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metadata.dc.type: Artigo de Periódico
Título : Invariants de Maslov équivariants
Otros títulos : K-Theory
Autor : Souza, Maria Luiza Lapa de
metadata.dc.creator: Souza, Maria Luiza Lapa de
Resumen : We construct two cohomological invariants associated to pairs of Lagrangian sub-bundles of a symplectic bundle on a compact manifold upon which a compact Lie group is acting. The first invariant, which we call the classical equivariant Maslov H-invariant, provides an obstruction to Lagrangian transversality and lives in the Borel cohomology. The second invariant, which we call the equivariant Maslov U-invariant, generalises the author's results in K-Theory 13 (1998), 347–361 to the equivariant context and provides a necessary and sufficient condition for equivariant Lagrangian transversality, up to homotopic stability, and lives in the U-theory (intermediate between the real complex K-theories). As an application, we show that two Lagrangian sub-bundles of a symplectic bundle on a homogeneous space are always stably transverse.
Palabras clave : equivariant K-theory
Maslov invariants
characteristic classes
Lagrangian bundles
URI : http://www.repositorio.ufba.br/ri/handle/ri/7552
Fecha de publicación : mar-2002
Aparece en las colecciones: Artigo Publicado em Periódico (IME)

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