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metadata.dc.type: Dissertação
Título : Geografia e Literatura: Um Elo entre o Presente e o Passado
Autor : Araújo, Heloísa Araújo de
metadata.dc.creator: Araújo, Heloísa Araújo de
Resumen : A investigação da cidade do Salvador, a partir da Geografia e da Literatura, permite o recorte de imagens produzidas em determinados tempos e contextos, realizando-se, assim, e neste trabalho, uma análise do espaço do Pelourinho, como lugar de memória, nas obras Suor e Jubiabá do escritor baiano Jorge Amado, na década de 1930 e, hoje, durante o processo de requalificação, na história de vida dos atuais moradores. Os estudos culturais vêm inaugurar um novo pensar e olhar sobre a ci-dade... Correlacionou-se o olhar crítico e poético da cidade, captado por Jorge Ama-do, através da apropriação do espaço percebido e sentido por ele, pois suas experi-ências semeiam memórias e representações sobre este espaço. Investigou-se o es-paço vivido pelos moradores da 7ª Etapa da Requalificação, contrapondo o debate sobre o planejamento urbano, onde só nesta etapa puderam participar. Diante do objetivo proposto, optou-se por uma metodologia de caráter qualitativo, sob a forma documental, bibliográfica e de campo, pois parte-se do pressuposto que o lugar de memória é aquele experienciado: dando àqueles sentimentos e significados. Os ca-minhos percorridos pelos personagens da obra Suor coincidem com os da 1ª etapa da requalificação do CHS, e em Jubiabá, com os da 4ª etapa, unindo passado e pre-sente no cotidiano do Pelourinho. Com o estudo destas obras, concluiu-se que não há uma única cidade: elas são múltiplas. Repensar as práticas de requalificação, nas quais os desejos e os sonhos dos moradores são conhecidos, elevaria o homem à condição de sujeito nesse processo. Trouxe-se uma dimensão multifacetada do Pelourinho e dos sujeitos que o freqüentavam. Apresentou-se uma reflexão sobre a importância do lugar e do modo como ele é percebido pelos moradores, turistas na-cionais e estrangeiros e pelos órgãos públicos. Esta pesquisa, ao percorrer os ca-minhos da interdisciplinaridade, visa a contribuir com o desenvolvimento de outras tantas na linha da Geografia Humanística, bem como convidar os planejadores ur-banos a “vivenciarem” os lugares nos quais farão as intervenções. Experienciou-se, aqui, também, um instigante e apaixonante novo desafio: a Geografia na Literatura.
ABSTRACT The inquiry of the city of Salvador, from Geography and Literature, allows the clipping of images produced in determined times and contexts, becoming fulfilled in this study an analysis of the space of the Pillory, as memory place, in the books Suor and Jubiabá of the Baiano writer Jorge Amado, in the decade of 1930 and today, during the process of requalification in the history of life of the current inhabitants. The cultural studies come to inaugurate a new way to think and to look at on the city... The critical and poetical look of the city, caught for Jorge Amado was correlated through the appropriation of the space perceived and felt for it, therefore its experiences sow memories and representations on this space. It was investigated the space lived for the inhabitants of the Seventh Stage of Requalification opposing the debate on the urban planning, where in this stage the participation of the inhabitants only happened. Considering the objective, a qualitative character methodology was opted, under the documentary form, bibliographical and field, thinking of the estimated memory place is that one lived deeply and experienced, giving to them feelings and meanings. It was used half-structuralized personal interview, contends opened, closed and double questions. The intentional not probabilistic sampling was used (or for judgment, or vagueness doctrine). The ways covered for the personages of the book Suor coincide with the ones of first stage of the requalification of the CHS, and in Jubiabá, with the ones of fourth stage, joining past and present in the daily of the Pelourinho. With the study of these books the conclusion is that it does not have an only city: they are multiple. To rethink the practical ones of requalification, in which the desires and the dreams of the inhabitants are known, would raise the man to the condition of citizen in this process. A multifaceted dimension was brought of the Pillory and the citizens that frequented it. A reflection was presented on the importance of the place and the way as it is perceived by the inhabitants, national and foreign tourists and for the public agencies. This research, when covering the ways of the inter discipline, aims at to contribute with the development of others as much in the line of Humanistic Geography, as well as inviting the urban planners "to live deeply" the places in which will make the interventions. And that these are human beings, focusing itself the diverse inhabitants who inhabit it and that in it also they dream. With Geography and Literature, the reality was understood better and the condition human being... trod new, pulsates ways in that experienced space. To 14 look at is to feel what it is seen... and in the Pillory in the City of Salvador, Bahia, much was seen, learned very, felt... was lived. The man, with its dynamic body, complete and complex, beyond living creature, is integrant part of this space. He lived deeply himself, here, also, an instigate and lovely challenge: Geography in Literature. Key - Words: Geography; Literature; Pillory.
Palabras clave : Geografia
metadata.dc.publisher.country: brasil
metadata.dc.publisher.initials: UFBA
metadata.dc.publisher.program: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia (POSGEO)
metadata.dc.rights: Acesso Aberto
URI : http://repositorio.ufba.br/ri/handle/ri/19867
Fecha de publicación : 27-jul-2016
Aparece en las colecciones: Dissertação (POSGEO)

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