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metadata.dc.type: Artigo de Periódico
Título : Distribution of mast cells in benign odontogenic tumors
Otros títulos : Tumor Biology
Autor : Pereira, Francisco de Assis Caldas
Gurgel, larissa Araújo Silva
Ramos, Eduardo Antônio Gonçalves
Vidal, Manuela Torres Andion
Pinheiro, Antonio Luiz Barbosa
Jurisic, Vladimir
Sales, Caroline Brandi Schlaepfer
Cury, Patricia Ramos
Santos, Jean Nunes dos
metadata.dc.creator: Pereira, Francisco de Assis Caldas
Gurgel, larissa Araújo Silva
Ramos, Eduardo Antônio Gonçalves
Vidal, Manuela Torres Andion
Pinheiro, Antonio Luiz Barbosa
Jurisic, Vladimir
Sales, Caroline Brandi Schlaepfer
Cury, Patricia Ramos
Santos, Jean Nunes dos
Resumen : The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of mast cells in a series of odontogenic tumors. Forty-five cases of odontogenic tumors were investigated using immunohistochemistry for mast cell triptase, and differences between groups were statistically evaluated. Mast cells were present in 96% of odontogenic tumors. Mast cells present in solid ameloblastoma were observed in the tumor stroma surrounding more solid and follicular epithelial islands, with or without squamous metaplasia. The odontogenic mixoma showed few mast cells. In odontogenic tumors with a cystic structure, the mast cells were distributed throughout all areas of the lesions, mainly in keratocystic odontogenic tumor. In addition, the total density of mast cells between all odontogenic tumors showed no significant difference (p > 0.05). A greater mast cells distribution was found in keratocystic odontogenic tumor in relation to adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (p < 0.01), and when the unicystic ameloblastoma and keratocistic odontogenic tumor were compared to the odontogenic myxoma (p < 0.05). Syndrome keratocystic odontogenic tumor showed a higher mean of mast cells when compared with the other tumors of the sample. Mast cells values presented by syndrome keratocystic odontogenic tumor were significantly greater than those of the sporadic keratocystic odontogenic tumor that were not associated with the syndrome (p = 0.03). Mast cells are probably one of the major components of the stromal scaffold in odontogenic tumors. We found significant differences of mast cells between syndrome nonsyndrome keratocystic odontogenic tumors, although their distribution did not seem to have any influence on the biologic behavior of benign odontogenic tumors.
Palabras clave : Mast cell
Odontogenic tumors
metadata.dc.rights: Acesso Aberto
Fecha de publicación : 2012
Aparece en las colecciones: Artigo Publicado em Periódico (Faculdade de Odontologia)

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