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metadata.dc.type: Artigo de Periódico
Título : Nanoaggregates and Structure−Function Relations in Asphaltenes
Otros títulos : Energy and Fuels
Autor : Andreatta, Gaelle
Goncalves, Cristiane Carla
Bostrom, Neil
Quintella, Cristina Maria Assis Lopes Tavares da Mata Hermida
Arteaga-Larios, Fabricio
Pérez, Elías
Mullins, Oliver C.
metadata.dc.creator: Andreatta, Gaelle
Goncalves, Cristiane Carla
Bostrom, Neil
Quintella, Cristina Maria Assis Lopes Tavares da Mata Hermida
Arteaga-Larios, Fabricio
Pérez, Elías
Mullins, Oliver C.
Resumen : The goal of predictive science is to establish structure−function relations for a system of interest. The obvious first step is to determine the structure of the system. Predictions in asphaltene science have been greatly inhibited, because of disagreement regarding molecular weight and molecular structure. With substantial progress on both structural fronts, structure−function relationships can be explored. Here, high quality factor (high-Q) ultrasonics is used to demonstrate asphaltene nanoaggregation at 100 mg/L. Fluorescence quenching measurements corroborate these results. Simple concepts regarding asphaltene molecular structure can be used to understand asphaltene nanoaggregation. These relations are seen to apply for asphaltene samples of very different origin. The implications of this understanding on larger-scale asphaltene aggregation and solubility are discussed.
metadata.dc.rights: Acesso Aberto
Fecha de publicación : 2005
Aparece en las colecciones: Artigo Publicado em Periódico (Química)

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