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Browsing by Author Amaro, Joana Angélica de Azerêdo

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Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2004Application of factorial design and Doehlert matrix in the optimisation of instrumental parameters for direct determination of silicon in naphtha using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometryAmaro, Joana Angélica de Azerêdo; Ferreira, Sergio Luis CostaArtigo de Periódico
2007Methods for vanadium determination in fuel oil by GF AAS with microemulsification and acid digestion samplingAmorim, Fábio Alan Carqueija; Lima, Daniel C.; Amaro, Joana Angélica de Azerêdo; Vale, Maria Goreti R.; Ferreira, Sergio Luis CostaArtigo de Periódico