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metadata.dc.type: Artigo de Periódico
Artigo de Periódico
Título : Intermediate-range order of alkali disilicate glasses and its relation to the devitrification mechanism
Autor : Longstaffe, James
Werner-Zwanziger, Ulrike
Schneider, Jose Fabian
Nascimento, Marcio Luis Ferreira
Zanotto, Edgar Dutra
Zwanziger, Joseph
metadata.dc.creator: Longstaffe, James
Werner-Zwanziger, Ulrike
Schneider, Jose Fabian
Nascimento, Marcio Luis Ferreira
Zanotto, Edgar Dutra
Zwanziger, Joseph
Resumen : There are two general mechanisms of devitrification in glass: heterogeneous nucleation of crystals from surfaces and impurities, and homogeneous nucleation from the volume. It is thought that structural similarities between glass and crystal at the intermediate-range level influence the mechanism followed, however there are few scarse experimental studies to test this hypothesis. In this paper solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is used to probe intermediate-range order in sodium and lithium disilicate glasses through measurement of the second moment of the distribution of dipolar couplings. These two glasses undergo heterogeneous and homogeneous nucleation respectively. The second moments measured for the lithium glass closely follow the trend established by the layered structures of the isochemical crystalline phases while the same measurements for the sodium glass do not. This observation supports the hypothesis that glasses capable of homogeneous nucleation are structurally more similar to the resulting crystalline phases than those glasses that exhibit only heterogeneous nucleation
Palabras clave : Vidro
Crescimento de Cristais
Fecha de publicación : 2008
Aparece en las colecciones: Artigo Publicado em Periódico (PEI)

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