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metadata.dc.type: Artigo de Periódico
Título : Effects of Laser Therapy on Experimental Wound Healing Using Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose Hemostat
Otros títulos : Photomedicine and Laser Surgery
Autor : Soares, Lívia Prates
Oliveira, Marília Gerhardt de
Pinheiro, Antonio Luiz Barbosa
Fronza, Bruna Rodrigues
Maciel, Marconi Eduardo Souza
metadata.dc.creator: Soares, Lívia Prates
Oliveira, Marília Gerhardt de
Pinheiro, Antonio Luiz Barbosa
Fronza, Bruna Rodrigues
Maciel, Marconi Eduardo Souza
Resumen : Objective: The aim of this paper was to evaluate if the healing of wound sites containing oxidized regenerated cellulose hemostat can be optimized by laser therapy. Background Data: Topical hemostatic agents may be used to control bleeding in a variety of surgical sites. Hemostatic oxidized regenerated cellulose can cause strange body reactions and formation of granulomas. Materials and Methods: Thirty-six male Wistar rats averaging 6 wk of age, weighing 250 g each, were anesthetized had a standard 0.5-cm2 block of oxidized regenerated cellulose (Surgicel™) inserted into an incision on the back of the tongue. Postoperatively the animals were randomly divided into two groups of 18 animals each: one was irradiated and one was not irradiated (control). In the treatment group, transmucosal laser therapy was applied in one area (Ga-Al-As laser, 4 J/cm2, _ _ 685 nm, 35 mW, _ _ 0.06 mm) and consisted of four sessions, with one session carried out every 48 h. The animals were killed at three different times: G1 (1 d), G2 (3 d), and G3 (7 d). Tissues were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and then analyzed. Results: It was observed that the treated group exhibited a greater reduction in edema and inflammatory infiltrate. Conclusions: These results suggest that laser therapy at 685 nm could improve the healing process, even when the inflammatory process has been stimulated by oxidized regenerated cellulose hemostat.
Fecha de publicación : 2008
Aparece en las colecciones: Artigo Publicado em Periódico (Faculdade de Odontologia)

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