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Resultados 91-100 de 192.
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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)Tipo
4-may-2017A new account of Guinea, and the slave-trade, containing, I. The history of the late conquest of the kingdom of Whidaw by the king of Dahome. The Author's Journey to the Conqueror's Camp; where he saw several Captives sacrificed, etc [...]Snelgrave, WilliamLivro
1757Histoire du Paraguay.Charlevoix, Pierre François-Xavier deLivro
5-may-2017The Debate on a motion for the abolition of the slave trade in the House of Commons, on Monday and Tuesday, April 18 and 19, 1791: reported in detailGreat BritainLivro
1751Regimento das cazas de inspecçaoGalvão, Antonio JoséOutros
1730Historia da America portugueza: desde o anno de mil e quinhentos do seu descobrimento, ate´ o de mil e setecentos e vinte e quatro: offerecida a' magestade Augusta Del Rei D. Joaõ V, nosso senhorPitta, Sebastião da RochaLivro
1687Phrases selectas, y modos de hablar escogidos y usados en la lengva gvarani. V.2Ruiz de Montoya, Antonio; Restivo, PabloLivro
1725Moeurs des sauvages ameriquains, compare'es aux moeurs des premiers temps. v. 2Lafitau, Joseph-FrançoisLivro
5-may-2017A short account of that part of Africa inhabited by the negroes. With respect to the fertility of the country; the good disposition of many of the natives, and the manner by which the slave trade is carried on. [...]-Livro
1767Voyage autour du monde, fait en 1764 & 1765: sur le Vaisseau de Guerre Anglois le Dauphin-Livro
1730Journal d'un voyage sur les Costes D'Afrique et aux Indes D'Espagne, avec une description particuliere de la Riviere de la Plata, d Buenosayres, & autres Lieux: commencâe en 1702, & fini en 1706.-Livro