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Coleção's Items (Ordenado por Data de depósito na Descendente ordem): 21 para 40 de 88
Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)Tipo
2003A lower bound for the norm of the second fundamental form of minimal hypersurfaces of Sn+1Barbosa, José Nelson Bastos; Barros, A.Artigo de Periódico
2003Hypersurfaces of the Euclidean sphere with nonnegative Ricci curvatureBarbosa, José Nelson Bastos; Brasil Junior, Aldir; Costa, É. A.; Lázaro, I. C.Artigo de Periódico
2005Hypersurfaces of ${\mathbb s}^{n+1}$ with two distinct principal curvaturesBarbosa, José Nelson BastosArtigo de Periódico
2008Frailty modelling for clustered recurrent incidence of diarrhoeaElgmati, E.; Fiaccone, R.; Henderson, R.; Mohammadi, M.Artigo de Periódico
2013Renormalization for piecewise smooth homeomorphisms on the circleCunha, Kleyber; Smania, DanielArtigo de Periódico
2005A Ricci inequality for hypersurfaces in the sphereCosta, Ézio de AraújoArtigo de Periódico
2009A Jenkins-Serrin theorem in M 2 × ℝPinheiro, Ana LúciaArtigo de Periódico
2013Exponential families, Kähler geometry and quantum mechanicsMolitor, MathieuArtigo de Periódico
2013Optimization of the weights and asymmetric activation function family of neural network for time series forecastingGomes, Gecynalda S. da S.; Ludermir, Teresa B.Artigo de Periódico
1974A Note on Generated Systems of SetsLima, Arlete CerqueiraArtigo de Periódico
2009Directional wavelets and a wavelet variogram for two-dimensional dataBosch, E. H.; González, A. Paz; Vivas, J. G.; Easley, G. R.Artigo de Periódico
1979Congruence lattices of pseudocomplemented semilatticesSankappanavar, H. P.Artigo de Periódico
1980A Characterization of Principal Congruences of De Morgan Algebras and its ApplicationsSankappanavar, H. P.Artigo de Periódico
1982Artinian rings in which one sided ideals are quasi-projectiveHill, D. A.Artigo de Periódico
2009Minimally generated abstract logicsLewitzka, Steffen; Brunner, Andreas Bernhard MichaelArtigo de Periódico
2009Entropy and Poincaré recurrence from a geometrical viewpointVarandas, Paulo César Rodrigues PintoArtigo de Periódico
2010Equivariant Schubert calculusGatto, Letterio; Santiago, TaíseArtigo de Periódico
1996Combinatorics of a certain ideal in the segre coordinate ringBrumatti, Paulo; Gimenez, Philippe; Simis, AronArtigo de Periódico
1997Some extensions of the lanczos-ortiz theory of canonical polynomials in the tau methodBunchaft, M. E. FroesArtigo de Periódico
2006Sinai–Ruelle–Bowen measures for weakly expanding mapsPinheiro, Vilton Jeovan VianaArtigo de Periódico
Coleção's Items (Ordenado por Data de depósito na Descendente ordem): 21 para 40 de 88