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dc.contributor.advisorGuimarães, Iracema Brandão-
dc.contributor.authorBarros, Eliete da Silva-
dc.creatorBarros, Eliete da Silva-
dc.description.abstractEsta dissertação se propôs a compreender como se configuram as relações de trabalho da criança na Feira de São Joaquim em Salvador, Bahia. A pesquisa visa também contribuir e ampliar o entendimento do universo infantil da criança trabalhadora, dando “voz” à mesma, a fim de possibilitar discussões relevantes ao mundo do trabalho, conhecer os significados instituídos e instituicionalizados dentro da Feira de São Joaquim interpretados pelas crianças que ali trabalham, assim como a perspicácia delas dentro da sociedade moderna. Quanto à metodologia empreendida, fizemos uso da pesquisa bibliográfica e empírica e realizamos um grupo focal com crianças que trabalham na referida feira. A pesquisa revelou que o número de crianças que trabalham ou circulam na Feira de São Joaquim é bem menor, em relação à primeira visita que fizemos em 1993, provavelmente devido ao aumento das pressões contra o trabalho infantil. Os pais ou responsáveis pelas crianças que pesquisamos, também trabalham na feira e alguns destes confirmaram fazer uso do trabalho infantil por uma questão de necessidade e não o vêem como exploração. Acreditam que colocando as crianças próximas, trabalhando, não permitem que fiquem na rua em atividades prejudiciais à sociedade e a elas mesmas. A pesquisa também revelou que as crianças pesquisadas são oriundas da classe baixa e moram em bairros periféricos e que gostam de trabalhar, por terem a possibilidade de contribuir com sustento da família, entretanto, apesar disso, ficou claro que se pudessem escolher prefeririam somente estudar. As respostas durante o grupo focal demonstraram que apesar de menores de idade, as crianças possuem um senso de responsabilidade bem próximo ao que se espera de um adulto, entretanto ao se depararem com a possibilidade de momentos de diversão, não perderam a leveza e ingenuidade inerente à infância. This dissertation proposes to understand how children’s work relations are configured in Feira de São Joaquim at Salvador, Bahia. The research also aims at lengthening and contributing to the understanding of the work-children’s universe, giving them the “voice”, in order to provide relevant discussions to the world of work, know the established and institutionalized meanings within Feira de São Joaquim, interpreted by the children who work there, as well as their discerning within the modern society. As for the methodology applied, we made use of the bibliographical and empirical research and accomplished a focal group with children who work in the abovementioned open-air market. The research revealed that the number of children who work or stay at Feira de São Joaquim is much less in relation to the first visit that we made in 1993, probably due to the increase of pressure against child labor. The parents or the ones responsible for the children, whom we researched, also work in the open-air market and some of them confirmed that they make use of child labor for a matter of necessity and do not see this act as an exploration. They believe that by having children next to them, working, they do not allow them to stay in the streets involved in activities which are harmful to the society and to themselves. The research also revealed that the children whom we researched belong to a low class and live in the outskirts and that they like to work, since they have the possibility to contribute to support the family, however, in spite of that, it was clear to us that if the children could choose, they would prefer to study solely. The answers during the focal group showed that although they are under the age, the children have a sense of responsibility which is very close to what is expected from an adult, nevertheless, when they face the possibility of enjoying moments of fun, they do not lose the lightness and naivety inherent to the childhood.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation proposes to understand how children’s work relations are configured in Feira de São Joaquim at Salvador, Bahia. The research also aims at lengthening and contributing to the understanding of the work-children’s universe, giving them the “voice”, in order to provide relevant discussions to the world of work, know the established and institutionalized meanings within Feira de São Joaquim, interpreted by the children who work there, as well as their discerning within the modern society. As for the methodology applied, we made use of the bibliographical and empirical research and accomplished a focal group with children who work in the abovementioned open-air market. The research revealed that the number of children who work or stay at Feira de São Joaquim is much less in relation to the first visit that we made in 1993, probably due to the increase of pressure against child labor. The parents or the ones responsible for the children, whom we researched, also work in the openair market and some of them confirmed that they make use of child labor for a matter of necessity and do not see this act as an exploration. They believe that by having children next to them, working, they do not allow them to stay in the streets involved in activities which are harmful to the society and to themselves. The research also revealed that the children whom we researched belong to a low class and live in the outskirts and that they like to work, since they have the possibility to contribute to support the family, however, in spite of that, it was clear to us that if the children could choose, they would prefer to study solely. The answers during the focal group showed that although they are under the age, the children have a sense of responsibility which is very close to what is expected from an adult, nevertheless, when they face the possibility of enjoying moments of fun, they do not lose the lightness and naivety inherent to the childhood. Keywords: childhood; child labor; work relations; feira de São Joaquim.pt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.subjectTrabalho infantilpt_BR
dc.subjectRelações de trabalhopt_BR
dc.subjectFeira de São Joaquimpt_BR
dc.subjectChild laborpt_BR
dc.subjectWork relationspt_BR
dc.titleCriança na feira de São Joaquim: trabalho e exploraçãopt_BR
dc.contributor.refereesChaves, Antônio Marcos-
dc.contributor.refereesCarvalho, Inaiá Maria Moreira de-
dc.contributor.refereesGuimarães, Iracema Brandão-
dc.publisher.departamentFaculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanaspt_BR
dc.publisher.departamentUniversidade Federal da Bahiapt_BR
dc.publisher.programPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociaispt_BR
dc.subject.cnpqCiências Sociaispt_BR
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