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metadata.dc.type: Artigo de Periódico
Título : Morphology of Subaqueous Dunes at the Mouth of the Dammed River São Francisco (Brazil)
Otros títulos : Journal of Coastal Research
Autor : Guimarães, Junia Kacenelenbogen
Traini, Camille
Schrottke, Kerstin
Stattegger, Karl
Dominguez, José Maria Landim
Vital, Helenice
Beserra, Diego D'Avila
Silva, AndréGiskard Aquino da
metadata.dc.creator: Guimarães, Junia Kacenelenbogen
Traini, Camille
Schrottke, Kerstin
Stattegger, Karl
Dominguez, José Maria Landim
Vital, Helenice
Beserra, Diego D'Avila
Silva, AndréGiskard Aquino da
Resumen : Economic development of the São Francisco River basin has increased by building seven river dams since the 1950s. Subsequently, strong coastal erosion reaching maximum rates of 98.6 m/year has been recorded at the river mouth, also leading to the destruction of a coastal village. This work combines discharge data with new sediment and hydro-acoustic records, collected in January 2009, to verify the impact of river damming on processes, controlling coastline evolution. Data analysis is focused on discharge evolution, morphology and sediment composition of subaqueous dunes as well as on the impact by tidal currents. Discharge has been strongly regulated since 1986, when the last river dam was implemented. Again, bedform morphology seems to be not affected neither by reduced river-discharge nor by reduced sediment supply. However, migration rates of these dunes, as calculated, are lower due to decreased discharge. At the same time, tidal impact is strengthened at the lowermost part of the river. From this we assume, that the replenishment of sediment at the coast near the river-mouth might be time-delayed, which could support coastal erosion. Brasil
metadata.dc.rights: Acesso Aberto
Fecha de publicación : 2012
Aparece en las colecciones: Artigo Publicado em Periódico (IGEO)

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