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Browsing by Author Pinheiro, Anderson L.

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Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2009Studies of catalytic activity and coke deactivation of spinel oxides during ethylbenzene dehydrogenationFreire, Rafael M.; Sousa, Francisco F. de; Pinheiro, Anderson L.; Longhinotti, Elisane; Mendes Filho, J.; Oliveira, Alcemira Conceição; Freire, Paulo de Tarso Cavalcante; Ayala, Alejandro Pedro; Oliveira, Alcineia ConceiçãoArtigo de Periódico
10-Oct-2009Analysis of coke deposition and study of the structural features of MAl2O4 catalysts for the dry reforming of methanePinheiro, Anderson L.; Pinheiro, Antonio N.; Valentini, Antoninho; Mendes Filho, J.; Sousa, Francisco F. de; Sousa, Jackson R. de; Rocha, Maria da Graça Martins Carneiro da; Bargiela, Pascal; Oliveira, Alcineia ConceiçãoArtigo de Periódico