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Browsing by Author Cunha, Simone

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Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2002Freqüência e implicações dos auto-anticorpos em hepatites agudas viraisCode, Liana; Jesus, Rogério Santos de; Cunha, Simone; Cruz, Marla; Paraná, RaymundoArtigo de Periódico
2003Clinical, histologic and serologic evaluation of patients with acute non-A—E hepatitis in north-eastern Brazil: is it an infectious disease?Paraná, Raymundo; Codes, Liana; Andrade, Zilton de Araújo; Freitas, Luiz A. R. de; Jesus, Rogério Santos; Reis, Mitermayer Galvão dos; Cotrim, Helma Pinchemel; Cunha, Simone; Trepo, ChristianArtigo de Periódico