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Browsing by Author Mathias, Paula

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Showing results 6 to 7 of 7 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2010Morphologic texture characterization allied to cigarette smoke increase pigmentation in composite resin restorationsMathias, Paula; Costa, Leonardo Figueiredo; Saraiva, Letícia Oliveira; Rossi, Thais Aranha; Cavalcanti, Andrea Nóbrega; Nogueira Filho, Getúlio da RochaArtigo de Periódico
2007Effect of salivary contamination at different steps of the bonding process on the microleakage around Class V restorationsRosa, Cristiane Becher; Cavalcanti, Andrea Nóbrega; Fontes, Céres Mendonça; Mathias, PaulaArtigo de Periódico