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metadata.dc.type: Artigo de Periódico
Title: Purchase intent of an electronic product and online consumers reviews: an experiment on the internet
Authors: Almeida, Tatiane Nunes Viana de
Ladeira, Rodrigo
Pereira, Fernando
metadata.dc.creator: Almeida, Tatiane Nunes Viana de
Ladeira, Rodrigo
Pereira, Fernando
Abstract: The main goal of this study is to empirically analyze a theoretical model that relates the motivating factors of purchase intent of an electronic product, in context where consumers are faced with online comments. The research method used was experimental, with the participation of 690 university students. The approach was quantitative and the methods used were descriptive statistics, exploratory techniques, confirmatory factor analysis, Student's t Test, and multi group structural equation modeling. The main results were that there is a second degree construct, motivational factors, affecting the purchase intent that was responsible for the biggest change in purchase intent in the analyzed model. The personal order factors such as - confidence and attitude toward the brand - presented the greatest impact on the formation of the second-order construct and on those who, indirectly, explained the most variation in purchase intent. Briefly, the results point to the need for companies to invest in stronger and trusted brands, devoting more attention to communication strategies and maintaining long-term relationships with their customers. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that online comments should not be overlooked.
Keywords: Experimental technique
Multi group analysis
Online comments
Online word of mouth
Structural equation modeling
Publisher: International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics
metadata.dc.rights: Acesso Aberto
Issue Date: 2017
Appears in Collections:Artigo Publicado em Periódico (NPGA)

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