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metadata.dc.type: Artigo de Evento
Título : Children with sickle cell anemia disease as a challenge for educational policies in Brazil
Otros títulos : 6th Congress of HOPE
Autor : Barros, Alessandra Santana Soares e
metadata.dc.creator: Barros, Alessandra Santana Soares e
Resumen : This work aims at presenting and discussing some of the probable political and social reasons for the educational system managers not to give priority in their agendas for the educational demands of Brazilian children and adolescents with sickle-cell anemia. The discussion was developed around the following arguments: 1) The clinical and therapeutic approaches of the disease do not help revealing its social visibility; 2) Priority of sickle-cell anemia is not properly inserted within the country’s health issues;3) The insufficient political representation of the population with sickle-cell anemia does not enable them to demand the rights due; 4) Disabilities and chronic diseases priorities are not properly evaluated by the country’s educational policies.
Palabras clave : Sickle cell anemia
Special education
Students with medical needs
Health and education
Fecha de publicación : 12-mar-2013
Aparece en las colecciones: Trabalho Apresentado em Evento (FACED)

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