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metadata.dc.type: Artigo de Periódico
Título : Automated system to acquire fuorescence, polarization and anisotropy maps within liquid fows
Otros títulos : Journal of Automated Methods & Management in Chemistry
Autor : Quintella, Cristina Maria Assis Lopes Tavares da Mata Hermida
Gonçalves, Cristiane Carla
Pepe, Iuri Muniz
Lima, Angelo Marcos Vieira
Musse, Ana Paula Santana
metadata.dc.creator: Quintella, Cristina Maria Assis Lopes Tavares da Mata Hermida
Gonçalves, Cristiane Carla
Pepe, Iuri Muniz
Lima, Angelo Marcos Vieira
Musse, Ana Paula Santana
Resumen : Maps of polarization and anisotropy can be helpful for £ow analysis systems (FIA, CFA, etc.) with reactions dependent on the intermolecular alignment as well as for dispersion control. Maps can be acquired manually, but when a scan over a sample area is required, the acquisition becomes tiresome and has low precision. The paper describes an automatic £exible system for high-precision sample positioning with closed loop self control, remote data acquisition and storage controlled by a BASIC program. The system was developed to acquire maps up to 850 mm2 of the sample (liquid £ows, solids, interfaces, etc.), with up to 100 ·m2 precision. To evaluate the equipment, performance is presented as the scan of a thin liquid ¢lm of monoethylene glycol (MEG) £owing on borosilicate. Tests were performed with and without surfactantes at submicellar concentrations: two concentrations of sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) and one of polyethylene oxide (PEO). For pure MEG, the intermolecular alignment initially increased, then decreased. When SDS was added, both polarization and anisotropy only increased progressively with the £ow. This might be explained by the surfactant decrease of interfacial interaction. When PEO was added, both polarization and anisotropy decreased pronouncedly over the entire map, which might be due to macromolecular aggregates within the bulk generating misaligned molecular domains. The system presented as sample positioning repeatability of 0.1% and a high polarization reproducibility (error margin < 6 in 1000).
Fecha de publicación : 2002
Aparece en las colecciones: Artigo Publicado em Periódico (Química)

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